Davin Devlog

DEV LOG – 1 DAVIN AYYUBOV – C21791061 

Our Idea We were given the theme that our game must do something with the fact that its 5 minutes. We decided to go with a zombie game where the world is coming to an end, and you have 5 minutes to escape. We wanted our game to be in isometric and make it a top-down zombie shooter. This will be a quick action-packed survival shooter game. Though we weren’t keen on adding features such as food and water, just simply health and ammo. 


Our first draft came out like this. It was isometric and had a clean yet simplistic design. Items such as health packs and guns will be scattered around the map along with a park and other key locations. Zombies will randomly generate throughout the game, and you will have 5 minutes to complete the mission.

We then made a sketch on paper of what we would like to envision the map to turn out like. A small neighbourhood with a helicopter pad or a ship/boat to escape. There are a variety of different buildings, that you would be able to go inside of. We were thinking of adding objects into the game such as a diary into the journal so you could read it and learn about the lore of the game prior to the apocalypse. The way to escape and beat the game would be to find missing  parts scattered around the neighbourhood to either repair the ship or helicopter.

In game early build of map above. We made further progress on the map, but we slowly realised that building an entire map from the ground up and polishing it to the level we wanted would sadly take too much of our valuable time. We decided we needed to use the extra time for scripting and creating the actual storyline and gameplay. We got our map from the asset store and built our game around it. We made sure to pick a map that fits our apocalyptic theme and the goals we had in mind for our game.

We changed the camera angle of the game from isometric to third person. We all agreed this would make the camera less annoying to deal with. We enjoyed the look and feel of the game more through a third person perspective after playtesting with both camera angles. We then thought right before we decided to settle on third person to give first person a try. This was to allow all of us to view our game from every single camera angle and see which one we all liked and fit our game the most. In the end we were torn between third and first but we all decided first person will be the best approach for our game

We explored various ideas and different ways to go about making our game. We didn’t want to go for the first idea that came to our minds, and we thought it would be best to explore different variations and then as a team decide which one to stick with

Get Zombocalypse

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